Genealogical research

If you are looking for information on your ancestors from Ukraine, we can do a detailed archival search for you. Our researchers always strive to assist those now living beyond Ukraine in tracing their ancestral roots and are prepared to consider any request. We can find documents on your ancestors, obtain copies and translate them into English or another language, if requested.

First of all, please specify what exactly you wish to learn about your ancestors. Looking for the requested information, we consult many documents, including parish registers, often in various archives throughout Ukraine, where your ancestral records might be held. In order to locate the required documents, we need to know your ancestor`s exact full name, date and place of birth or death, and religion. Keep in mind that the more information you provide the more likely it is that we shall receive the best results from our archival search. Should you have any documents about your ancestor, please have them copied and send the copies to us by fax or mail. If, for instance, your ancestor worked and you know the name, place and period of his/her job, this can be of great use, as factories, educational institutions, offices, etc. had staff records of their own. Information on study, military service, etc. will be of great help, too. Please be careful in spelling the ancestor`s family name and his/her place of birth or death. Particularly, this requirement is critical for a family name. There are many family names which are common in Ukraine or have a similar spelling. Please also try to locate your ancestral village or town in the appropriate present-day Ukrainian oblast (equivalent to North America`s state or province) or raion (equivalent to county). If it is difficult for you, then please tell us which town or city was the nearest one to the village from which your ancestor originated, or at least try to estimate its location. If you or any researchers on your behalf have conducted archival research, please share this information with us in detail. Please let us know which archives in Ukraine you have checked so that we do not repeat your research, thus saving you time and money.

On completion of the search, after we have found the documents on your ancestor we shall mail you a full written report on the research undertaken, copies of relevant records we have made for you, translated into English or another language, if requested. All the above copies will be provided with references to their sources, using the terminology of Ukrainian archival arrangement, so that, if necessary, you might easily look up your original ancestral documents in the archives.


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